Possible side effects of Clindamycin?

This ingredient is usually very well tolerated, but can occasionally cause some irritation – which can result in burning, itching, dryness or redness.

Antibiotics are a key ingredient for treating acne. We know that bacteria called Cutibacterium Acnes (C. Acnes) play an important role in causing acne, resulting in inflammation and the formation of spots. 

This bacteria is key to the development of red inflamed spots forming from blocked pores. Antibiotics don’t just kill this bacteria, they also help to reduce the inflammation in the skin, which reduce the redness and swelling you’ll often see.  

As the antibiotic is mixed within a cream (also known as its ‘topical form’), it works locally on the skin, which means there’s minimal absorption into the body.

We’re very conscious of antibiotic resistance, so we combine our antibiotics with agents that reduce the chances of resistance occurring.

Clindamycin should not be used if you have inflammatory bowel disease.

For further advice please see our “I am experiencing dryness and irritation, what should I do?” FAQ here.