Who can use Skin + Me?

Our expert Dermatology Team can only prescribe you a personalised solution if you’re eligible for treatment. We’re here for all genders, and our Personalised Solutions can evolve with you and your skin through all the stages of your life.

To be eligible, you must:

– Be over the age of 16
– Live within the UK

You must also have at least one of the following skin conditions:
– Acne
– Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH)
– Melasma
– Pigmentation related to sun damage
– Skin-ageing concerns including; fine lines and wrinkle
– Issues with skin texture and pore size
– Rosacea 

When you complete your initial online consultation and submit your photos, our expert Dermatology Team will use the information you provide to carry out a dermatological assessment of your skin’s needs. Currently, we can only treat skin concerns affecting the face. We don’t currently treat eczema, vitiligo or psoriasis. If you do have any of these conditions, or you have acne or pigmentation problems that affect your body, we advise that you book a face-to-face appointment with your doctor or dermatologist.